The Hidden Meaning of THIS

The Hidden Meaning of THIS

Before I had ever been to New York City, I had a dream that I was there on a busy street near the corner of a tall building, and there was this black guy standing behind these large dark wooden carvings that were like paintings, but carved into wood. I’d say they were about 4 feet wide by 5 feet tall, and I noticed that in each one of these very beautiful and intricate carvings was hidden the word THIS. The artist, the black man, was just watching people walking by, no one stopping, and I said, “I noticed that in each of your carvings, you hid the word ‘THIS.’ That’s so beautiful.” And I went on, “I learned about THIS by taking psychedelics.” And he smiled and said, “That’s how I learned about THIS too.” And he said, “Follow me, I want to show you something.” And he walked out from behind his carvings and walked around the corner to the right and into the large double doors, and we started to climb up a winding staircase, and at each turn, he got further and further away from me, until I could no longer see him. There were no floors or doors. I continued to climb, spiraling up until I came to the top, where there was a line of people waiting to get into the adjacent room, and there was a woman sitting at a desk with a clipboard. There were large glass windows and I could see into a classroom, but I could not see the black man who wanted to show me something, but there was no other place to go but into that room. The line didn’t seem to be moving, so I decided to just walk into the classroom to wait for the black man. I looked up and immediately saw that I was alone in the room, and no black man either. I’ll wait. I started to feel a little funny and I looked down at my hands on the desk, and they were black. I was the black man, and I thought back to his art and the hidden meaning of THIS.


The Bards of Bardo

The Bards of Bardo

IN THE PLACID TERROR of ecstatic contemplation, revelation comes not by deduction or induction, but by disintegration and integration. Here, melting into the kaleidoscopic wings of a Butterfly, language laughs in a contorted brilliance, collapsing letter and number into the blazing Geometry of an Unspeakable Word. Here, in the dying and the being born, horns snap twisted white light off the thorny crown of a Dark Angel, who hangs upside down, crucified, in the pregnant substance of space. Dancing naked and alone, mythos and psychos are logical and the Morning Star still brings The Light.

The Carpenter’s Tools

The Carpenter’s Tools

Structurally, and f-UNCTION-AL-ly, the Carpenter’s Tools, the COMPASS, SQUARE and PEN, are ‘INSTRUMENTS OF MEASUREMENT,’ measuring the ‘ment,’ the ‘MIND.’

‘Unction’ means ‘TO TREAT WITH A MEDICINAL OIL in a re-LIG-ious [w]RITE,’ to ‘ANOINT.’ ‘Christ,’ ‘Christos,’ ‘Christus,’ ‘Messiah,’ ‘TO ANOINT,’ ‘ANOINTED,’ ‘ANOINTED ONE.’

The Com-p-A-ss is derived from the shape of the human pine-A-L, a CONE, located in the center of the posterior forebrain. The First Letter of A-lphabet IS CONICAL. The first alphabetic writing is called ‘cuniform,’ ‘cuni,’ ‘WEDGE’ + ‘SHAPE’/’FORM.’ ‘Reed’ ‘READ. ‘Cuni-‘ ‘CONE.’

The Square is the UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT of the CROSS the Carpenter is CRUCI-FI-ed on, a CROSS MADE OF LIGHT INSIDE THE PROMISED GLAND OF ONE’S OWN PINE-A-L. S-qu-IN-T! LIG-h-T appears to con-V-er-T into the configuration of a CROSS.To ‘Con-c-en-T-rate, is to ‘MOVE TOWARD THE C-EN-T-ER.’ Crucifixion is an archetypal pun-ishment, and ‘Y’s can transliterate into ‘J’s as can be seen in ‘Y-oke’ and ‘J-oke.’

The ‘L’ of re-L-ig-ion is the Square, and the First L-etter of the A-L-phabet, is a PICTOGRAM of the Compass of Compassion, BOUND TOGETHER into the ‘LA’ morpheme, measuring AL-L re-LA-tion-ships.

The ‘LIG’ of ‘re-LIG-ion’ and ‘LIG-h-T’ means ‘TO BIND.’ The prefix ‘re-‘ means ‘AGAIN,’ or ‘AGAIN and AGAIN’ and ‘INDICATES A BACKWARDS MOTION.’ RE-SURRECT,’ ‘AGAIN’ + ‘RISE’ or ‘AGAIN and AGAIN.’ RE-VIV-e-AL! Two fi-V-es in Light make Ten.

Two S-erpents and a pole. The ‘SIS’ of GN-O-SIS.


To ‘hy-P-h-EN-ate’ MEANS ‘TO J-OIN.’

The ‘art’ of ART-ic-ULA-tion’ MEANS ‘TO J-OIN.’

See: ‘Car-PEN-T-er’ and ‘Ser-PEN-T.’ PEN-e-T-rate.





The Morphemes of Hallelujah

The Morphemes of Hallelujah

‘JAH’ is a Map of God in morpheme structure. The ‘J’ is an A-XIS POLE MADE OF LIGHT, a flame, the Wizard’s Magic Wand, burning inside the First Letter of the ‘A-lphabet,’ a cone. The French added the minuscule to the bottom of the ‘J’ in the Middle Ages, “ostensibly, to differentiate it from an ‘I’ tilted to the right.” ‘Ostensibly,’ ‘APPARENTLY OR PURPORTEDLY, BUT NOT ACTUALLY.’ The miniscule is a Symbol of Return.

The ‘H’ is an ‘ASPIRATE,’ a ‘BREATH.’

The ‘LU’ morpheme means ‘LIGHT.’ To ‘cipher’ is to ‘encode.’ ‘P’s and ‘F’s transliterate. Decipher.

The ‘LIGHT’ of ‘JAH,’ the AL-Mighty, shines on ALL with the ‘AL’ morpheme, PICTOGRAMS of a Compass and a Square.


An e-X-C-LA-I-M-ation, but you don’t really care for morphemes, do you?


Praylude to Jacob’s Ladder

Praylude to Jacob’s Ladder

Praylude to Jacob’s Ladder


Jacob’s Ladder,
the World Tree,
the World Mountain,
the Axis Mundi,
live and wait
in the Garden of the Mind,
in the Heart of a Christ,
in androgyny,
in ecstasy.

These are difficult words to say,
as the chrysalis hangs empty
and I luxuriate in flesh.

In the quiet breath of Communion,
with eyes and ears and careful hands,
I scribe and de-scribe,
I make hyphenated maps.

This has been my Sacred Journey,
to w-rite while dying,
to climb the dusty rungs of Jacob’s Ladder,
to dine with Metatron and Sariel,
Holy Scribe
and Angel of Death.

 In its corpuscular r-A-y,
pronounced with a ‘J,’
in the d-J-ed,
in metaphor
and the edge of the Milky Way,
in the steps of mona-ST-ery Mind,
I cipher light
and sex
and Geometry
and archetype.

Jackals cry
preserving the God of Vegetation,
strange words,
chants are said,
quicker than cathedrals.
